I looooove doors! Adore them!
Does the saying "Don't judge the book by its cover" also apply to a house and its door?
Haha..I know it sounded a bit cuckoo! But bear with me..
I mean, when you want to read a book, you gotta open the cover first, right?
The same thing, with houses and their doors, ya think..Haha..
Yet, what the saying means the content of the book isn't determined by its cover, I get it.
But, there's a reason why someone, somewhere, somewhat came up with the saying..Agree?
It's the first thing people see, before seeing the content..
It has to have a good first impression..
Or, should I better analog it with the saying; "The eyes are the window to the soul"
(Oookk..Shut up, make up your mind, and move on!! Will ya!)
This will only take a minute..
The eyes is the analogy of the door.
The soul is the analogy of the house.
(But what makes it awkward is, the use of the word window, when I'm going to talk about doors..)
Well, I'll stop talking gibberish..
The door should be the sneak-peak of the interior of the house.
It should be a teaser. A small enough part, not giving away too much, yet is a representation of the house interior.
The door, as the entrance of the house, should give a more personal feeling to people who enters the house.
Its size compared to the house, speaks for itself.
An object of bricks, stones and everything strong is softened by the human scaled size of the door.
It should be welcoming people inside.
Welcoming could be done in many ways,
Getting all attractive, with just the right colors, the exact choice of materials..
Being warm and comfortable, with the precise style and the most well chosen details; profiling list, handles.

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A small part of the house.
Yet plays a very important role.
Delicate yet strong..
Warm yet attractive..