Actually, I'm a full time type of mommy..
If I could choose and possible, I would definitely prefer being a full time mommy rather than anything else..
I really liked the feeling of being in control of the house, the kids..
I was enjoying it a lot!
If someone never has experienced being a full time housewife,
Some couldn't have known how preoccupying the job is..
It's a 24 hours, 7 days non-stop job!!
I was so good in taking / dropping off / picking up the kids..
To / from school..
To / from courses places..
I'm almost always on time..
I hardly ever missed even a day..
I knew by heart all of my kids schedule..
I'd put all the things they need to bring for projects at school on the top of my list..
And will run straight away to get or buy those things..
I kept track on everything they do..
Homework, exams, projects, events..
And I was on everything that goes with those activities..
When then I had to start working Even though it was a part time job..
All of those things went a bit wobbly..
Once in a while, they started to forget to make their homework
I couldn't go running straight away whenever they ask something to bring for their projects..
I sometimes lose track of their daily exams, and they forgot to study..
And other things..
Minors, but for me it was a very significant disappointment..
So, I tried to replace my existence I made written schedules..
I called in to check on their studying..
I caught up with their exams' material when they're in school, by making summaries..
But still, It didn't work as well as I expected..
By then, I started realizing..
That the kids were to depending on me..
They'd got carried away by me always being there for them..
And the thing is..
They're getting older..
They have to start realizing their responsibilities..
They have to start taking consequences of their action..
Now, I'm starting to learn how to let go..
Though I don't totally letting it go..
It's more like a bit combination of both method..
By doing that..
Me, myself don't get to stressed out..
And the kids are little by little growing more independent..
*a learning process..
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