With me, waiting for them, caught in the middle..
Now, that the fever’s down
Although they’re feeling a lot better,
the trombosit count is still going down..
So, actually now it’s the critical time
yet for them it’s the boring part..
Watching them in one of their worse mood moments together..
Both of them got short fuses..
Both of them are the complaining type..
I have always been the one who take cares of the kids when they’re sick..
When one ( or more..it happened ) has to stay in a hospital, I’m the one who’ll stay together with them..
And my hubby stays home (with a lot of helps from the mbas) to take care of the others..
But this time, he also had to stay in the hospital..
so he’s “stuck” with a sick kid in the hospital, because someone have to stay home with the other kids, which means me..
*I’m starting to giggle now..bad..bad*
Rizqi, my oldest, he’s getting older and more independent every day..
But he’s still a kid, and right now, a sick one..
So, as independent as he is progressing now..still..
Well, I’m always here, at the hospital, up until it’s time for me to pick up the other kids from school, teach at the afternoon, and go back home at night ..
And in their opinion, I don’t need to be here..
They just open their mouth, whenever I asked them to take something..water, vitamin, juice..
Which I believe they wouldn’t have the time to remember..
And they do ask help to get things, to put away things, to buy something from the shop downstairs, ..
But still, they insist that they can do all that by themselves..or they can bell the nurse if they need to..
So, I just stayed there..minding my own business until one of them, or both..”needs” me to help them do something..impatiently..
or just doing the routine, reminding their vitamin intakes, water intakes, taking home their dirty clothes and bringing new ones..
Yet, I think it’s been annoying for them to see me ‘not doing’ anything..
So, now not only they’re annoyed of having to bedrest at the hospital though they don’t feel any pain anymore,
They’re also annoyed to be in one room together for some range of time,
and they’re annoyed of the lacking of movements due to the infus on their hand…
and to add that they’re annoyed with me being there, “doing nothing”..
Instead of making me annoyed..
Most of the time, it’s just hillarious..
and makes me want to joke about it all the time..
This, the fact that I don’t get annoyed and joke around all the time, is starting to annoys them as well..
Get Well Soon guys!!
My prayers will always be with you..
I, will always be with you..*lol*..through good and bad..
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