So, it’s time for girls evening out!!
Turns out,
wanting to get together with old friends
Needed more effort than I thought it would..
1. I forgot that that day I have to input my students score to the computer at the office..
2. Just right before I was leaving to the office, my principal called and told me that one of my student’s mom wanted to talk to me..
3. So, as soon as I arrived at the office, I called her..and it was a looooong one way talk..
4. Finished being shout at, I still gotta input the scores..
5.Leaving all the commotion at the office, on my way to Senayan City, I missed a turn..
6. And my rareness driving at night, made me missed another turn..
7. *Can’t give anymore excuses..because at this point I just felt damn stupid..* I missed the third turn JUST going to Senayan City..
8. So, just imagine how further away I’d got carried away from Senci..and to made it more perfect..my gas indicator starts to turn red..GREAT!
9. Finally, there they were, my dear friends..and the moment we spent together was priceless..
*Although it was a relatively short moment..caused by my unfortunate journey to get there.. plus, we hadn’t met for quite some time..so we couldn’t catch up with all our stories..haha*
Still, spending time with best friends just can’t go wrong..love them!!
*Even though all the others before that went all wrong..hihi*
10. Oops..forgot this last embarassing time..
Because I had to fill up my gas, I went to a different way than my usual..
and..OK..I think you can guess what happened next..
Yes, I got lost again!!!!!!!
Oh, well..my husband had a nice laugh that night listening to my story..
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