I met so many interesting people..
Despite all the trouble that comes along..
Actually, this thing is one of my Ups in teaching..
It happened as soon as the first day I taught..
The first day I taught..
There was this boy..
He's around 14 back then..
A very handsome young man..
And he stares at you, when you're teaching..
Hahaha..I felt a bit big-headed and sort of pedophillic up until the other teachers told me that he does that to everyone..including the male teacher..hahaha..
In my firsts younger classes,
On my first day, I made 3 students cry..
The first one, because he kept on losing his pencil..
The second one, because she was left behind when they were taking notes..
And the third one, because she lost the game and the other students were blaming her..
Hahaha..what a first day heh?
It's classic.. When you thought first day was bad..
It became worse.. Hahaha..
Well, not all of the time..
You get a mix of good days and bad..
That what makes teaching life colorful!!..to the max!!!
The students!!
All the different types of students..
From all the different age range..
From all the different backgrounds..
I love a semi-large class..
The right amount off students..
Yeah, it's the dream of every teacher..I think..
Too few students on one point could be boring..
Too many students could be uncontrollable..
But it all depends though..
On lots of things..
I feel challenged either when I get a small class or a large one..
Dealing with the amount of the students is one thing..
But dealing with special characters of students is something else..
When dealing with younger kids..
They really want to get your attention..
So, you'd better give your full attention first..
Rather than they start to do unimaginative stuffs to get your attention.. Hahaha..
They tend to touch, hug, and stuffs..
Sometimes it's adorable..
But sometimes it just becomes annoying.. Hahaha..
Especially, when they do it to get away with something..
Like unfinished work, or don't want to continue doing their work..
Yeah..yeah..nice try munchkins..
The pre-teens students are special as well..
Some of them really want to be treated as if they're not kids anymore..
They talk about their "girlfriend"..
They brag about their knowledge of bad words..
Or their courage to do bad things..
They seek attention by showing off their cool stuffs..
They underestimate the others who's younger then them..
Interesting phase..
For me, the teens are the most challenging ones..
We got to be more as their friend rather than being a teacher..
But you have to be cool enough for them to be considered as their friend..
Hahaha.. That's homework!
That was only looking by their age differences..
When talking about different backgrounds..
And making them having different characters..
That's FUN!
There are the spoiled ones, the shy ones, the over confident ones, the attention seeker ones..
And when you thought you've seen them all..
You'll be surprised! Every time..
Having a Blast..
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