Their cruel..
I remember my days back then as a kid..
I’m this overweight, not that smart, not that pretty girl..
Girls talk behind your back..
Boys shout it out at their friends all around you..
But maybe, since a kid I have always been able to block my emotion..my feeling..
Not ignorant..
because, deep down inside..it hurts..
but, from the outside..
It looked as if I didn’t care..
It’s just the way it is..I guess.
Rizqi, my oldest, 11 years old, have always had problems about this..
The difference from me is..
Rizqi is such an emotional person..
He blows up..erupts for exact.. whenever he hits this..
And those kids..will just looove when this happens..and do even worse..
He’ll shout, cries of frustration, and the worst time was when he took down the kid..punched him..
But more than that..
He’s a smart, well manered, well behave kid..
And that even make things worse..
Because I’ve always felt that it’s just the way it is..
I have never tried to change the situation..
And that’s the thought that I’m passing to my kids..
There will always be people like that..
There always have been..and there always will be..
Even when you get older..it’ll be the same..or worse..
You can’t control it..
What you can do is..
Do the right thing!
Ignore them first..
Stand up for yourself..but don’t lower yourself to their level..
Just be cool..
The talk with him ended nicely..
Everyone shared similar stories and how they handled them..
Me, my husband, Raihan my second son, 7 years old..and even my 4 years old twins, Tama and Dika..
So, it made it clearer that he wasn’t the problem..
that everyone had experienced similar stories..
It takes time to change the world..
I’ll just have to prepare my kids to face it..for now
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