Taking it to the last minute..
Why do I always do this, I wonder..hmm..
Really, this is one of my worst habit I kept on doing, again and again..
And I know, I always managed to pull it at the last minute..
But still, there’s always unnecessary sacrificies and unoptimal satisfaction..not to mention, my heart’s racing like crazy..
And then, I’ll do it again..and again..
Regrets always come afterwards..
That’s why, every time it happens..
Even though it made it through..
I always think back what happened until I got to this point..
And I always have the reasons..actually, they’re excuses..
Those pethetic so-called reasons are usually..
Because of my insensitivity of time..thinking I still got more than enough time..
but then something unexpected happened, that also needed attention..
So, there goes my time frame..
or because of my effort to be effective..
actually, it’s just simple lazyness..
thinking..I’ll do that on the way while I’ll do something else..
but then, it became to complicated to handle together..
So, there goes my effectiveness..
or..it’s because of my willing to try to do everything better..
which sometimes is more imaginative than real..
thinking..I still want to buy or do something first, before I do it..
but then, all the plannings get all carried away..
And there goes the plan..
See, I know where I went wrong..
And idiotically, I managed to repeat the same mistakes..again and again..
Maybe I just think to much..analyze to much..
Stop it!
DO IT!!!!
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