Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Twins' Stories..again!!

As a parent of 4..
I'm still amaze, how children pick things up very fast..
School, teachers, parents, friends,..
and the wonder of them all..TV!!

I thought I'll be already getting used to it
when it comes to the twins..
as my last kids..
Well..nope..still amazes me..

My twins went to a bilingual Kindergarten
One day, when they were around 3..
I was checking on their ability to count..
I pointed to a picture of 5 monkeys..
And I asked them
"How many monkeys are there?"
And I counted out loud..
" many..?"

They looked puzzled, so I helped them by saying "Li.."
and was hoping they'll say ""
But they didn't..

So, I thought..
Hmm..maybe that were too many..
Probably, I should start with a smaller number..
I did the same process again..
Still they looked confused..

O..o.. I thought..
This is bad..
Aren't they supposed to learn this at school..
So, I was using this poster of numbers with animals representing them..
Still thinking..hmm, where should I start?..

And suddenly,
The next minute..
Almost together, they said..
"Ooo..this is Tiga..
I thought it was Three.."

Explaining among them,
"And this one is Lima..not Five"
Hehehe..silly me!!

The twins, like most kids their age..
love commercial..
They'll recite the things in the commercials..
again..and again..
There was this shampoo commercial, with a celebrity introducing them self
They loved this one..
"My name si Nicole.."
I corrected them and said "My name is Nicole"
Expertly they said..
"Aaah..Ibu salaah.."
"Ibu ga tau siiih..Itu bahasa Inggris!!"

Hihihi..thanks for the information kids..

Every night,
The twins always choose a book for me to read it to them
for their bedtime story..
One night,
When they were choosing a book..
One of them said, holding up a book..
"Buu..yang ini ya?"
But in a hurry, they added..
"Tapi bahasa Inggris lho bu..Ibu bisa gaa?"
Hahaha..I'll try my best kids!!

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