Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A Proud Mom..

Last Sunday, is one of those days that I was really proud of my boys..

My husband always says, that my kids inherit my balance..

which is not a good thing.. Despite of sucking in all that involves balancing..

the simplest thing, that I get embarassed the most is.. my ability in riding a bicycle..

When I was younger, the age when you really wanted and started to learn how to ride a 2 wheeled bike, I wasn't that eager to do it..

I lean on my helping wheels, until it bent..

and when it was already bent, I stopped riding it..

Up until, it were my sisters' time to learn.. I was already in high school *OMG..*

My fear of falling from the bike had gone long time ago..

My embarassement out of doing something stupid

while I was learning doesn't matter at all..

So, those were all out of the way..

But still, that doesn't mean my balance became better..

I ended up, wobbly and couldn't ride slowly..*because it's easier to keep your balance when you're speeding..hihihi*..

and mainly, I couldn't make a turn..*What a*

Well, I thought..I didn't need to ride a bike anyway..

Until it's time my first son's time to learn how to ride a bike..

OK,'s your responsibility to teach him!

But, you know dads..their time for the kids is not as much as mommies'..

So, my first kid learned it late as well..

Eventually, in the second grade, he's able to ride it, though he had his bike since he was in the first grade..

But, he's more into his skateboard..

so, I rarely see him ride his bike..

The same thing happened to my second son..

It also took him a year, to have the guts to ride his..

It was just a couple of days ago..*lol*

he's so motivated, because the twins has already able to ride a bike..

Luckily..the twins love to ride their 4 wheels bike since they're in playgroup..

A year later, the helping wheels are all bent..and didn't function.

and by that time, the youngest of them has been able to ride 2 wheeled..*YEAY!!*

the other one is still struggling with 1 bent helping wheel..but he's almost there..

So, well done with the kids..

They just have to smooth it up..

Well, my hubby has been in the biking mood for quite sometime now..

He rides together with his cousin every Saturday..

And they've been pushing me to come along..

No Way!!

And then, my brother in law had this brilliant idea to have his daughter's birthday party at Tony Jack's Thamrin on last Sunday..

But to get there, we had to ride our bikes from Senayan..

because Sunday, in Sudirman is car free day..

Perfect plan..

It's all set up..

with all the uniform t-shirt and buggies for the babies..everything..

Well, not a chance I'm joining that!!

I'm just going to meet them up Trans Jakarta..

The kids were so anxious..

I was worried first, because of my doubt on their ability riding a bike.

and then..their mood along that long way..

to add that condition, we're 10 minutes late.. everyone had started before..

But, nothing's going to put my ass on a bike..

So, I walked behind them..

My husband up front..4 kids..and me, walking..

although, almost on 2/3 way the twins and Raihan lost hope..

and we ended up calling my mother in law's driver to pick us up..

But on the way back from Tony Jack's..

They got really excited, because they're able to start together with the others..

I offered them to ride the Trans Jakarta with me..

but they didn't want to..

They all rode their bike..

Only Tama, lost hope and rode on the back seat of his granny's..

The others, arrived safely..even Rizqi was one of the first to arrived..

For Raihan and Dika, they arrived the latest..

But everyone was very proud of them all..

Great Job Kids!! Proud of You All!!

For me..Off course!! Trans Jakarta..

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