Of all the heroine of Indonesia, she's the famous amongst all..
For one, she is the one who made a breakthrough for woman emancipation..
But, most of all, it's due to the things that we do on Kartini's Day..
On the 21st of April, every year
The school make their students to dress up in traditional costumes from all over this diverse country..
Which, for me, is nothing even near to the link of woman emancipation
Not festive enough,
they'll show it off by having a fashion show or fashion parade
Which, for me, I've always done it for my kids all the way..because, that's just the way I do stuffs..
For that reason, has caused 2 out of 4 of my boys have been collecting 3 trophies for those occasions..
That's another thing I feel bad for.. the fact that my boys winning trophies for Kartini's Day..
Isn't it supposed to be a woman thing..
Caused by that, for me, Kartini's Day has been just another costume party
So, it was a huge surprise for me
When the twins got back from kindergarten, on our way home..in the car..
They passionately talked about Kartini:

Bu, did you know..
Back then, the time when Ibu Kartini lived..
Girls are not allowed to go to school..
They're not allowed to go to work either..
Only boys are allowed to do those things..
Girls have to stay home, and take care of the children, the daddy, the house..
They're just allowed to sew, to cook, and other house's stuffs
Catching the moment,
I jumped right away..
Yes, and now because of Ibu Kartini's effort,
girls have the same chance to be as good as boys, even better..
Girls now can go to schools as high as they want to..
Girls now can work at any positions, as anything as they will..
Girls can be doctors, dentist, architects, teachers..like me..
Maybe, lost of interest..
Or tired of school..
But surely, it was one of those smart stuffs that they like to come up with..
and definitely, it's one of those sweet things that they like to think off..
They immediately cut me off..
Bu..imagine, if we lived at the same time when Ibu Kartini lived..
Ibu, you don't have to go to work..
You can stay home the whole day with us..
That'll be cool..
Wow, Dear God..
Maybe for some people, feeling as deep as I felt is such a drama Queen thing
But for me..
I paused, took a good look at them..
my eyes started to get wet, hugged and kissed them..
Love you boys, with all my heart..
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