Construction. Seriously?..
Well, someone gotta get up there and do it..
And I guess, I kinda feel tickled of how some of the students are still clueless or aren't confident enough about those construction thingy..
After all, the lecturer dear colleague whose having her maternal leave, is such a well prepared-well organized type of lecturer..
So when I started to take a quick look on the material.. I felt, it'll be OK!..hopefully..hahaha..
OK..OK.. so I have my doubts of myself in the beginning..
So, when the classes started..I prepared for the worst..
I'm just gonna go through the lecture and brief the assessments, as I am supposed to..
My plan was: make them understand and make them do the assessments. Nothing more..
So not-me at all, I sorta feel a bit pessimistic about whether the students gonna find this class interesting or dead boring..
The terms before, I had some of the interesting classes..
At least, I felt excited teaching, it was a piece of cake making the students to feel the same thing..
Unlikely with Construction classes, when at times, me myself don't feel interested enough..and then I have to make the students understand in an interesting way?..hmmm..
But surprisingly..I owe it all to the students..
They're such an uplifting type of persons..
I just love it, when they ask, discuss, consult, and everything..
They're so interested in the lesson!!..Isn't that the most amazing feeling that a teacher can get from her students..
At times, I still don't have as big confident as I do, not teaching construction..
Those are the times when they're absent with no particular reason, or when one or two of them don't submit their assessment, or just a simple didn't do as they're expected on their process, or doing other stuff -either more important or more interesting- and not concentrating in class..
Those thing are such downers for me..
And I just can't shake it out of my head sometimes..and you just started thinking..I should've done something differently, I could've done it more interestingly, I would've done it from a more fun side..over and over..
But somehow, the uplifting moments are just so much more then the downers..
How they still ask of your opinion outside the class..
How they're willing to stretch the class finishing time just to understand more..
How they go through they're unnecessary overtime doing the assessment..
How they prioritize your class from others..
However rare those uplifting moments are,
Or however rather a small portion of students from the whole class do them..
They're still such a booster for me..soul, body, and mind!
Thanks for making the class a more fun place to be!