Saturday, 21 May 2011

Special Ones..

I try my best not to play favorites on people..
As a mom, I don't have a favorite kid..
As a teacher and lecturer, I don't have a favorite student..

It doesn't mean that there are no one special..
It somehow means the opposite..every each and one of them are special..
That sounded so cliche, so corny, so cheesy..hahaha..ok! got it!
yet that's the truth!

I spend my forever with my kids..
Special moments with special feelings happens now and then..
No timing at all..
No matter how small or big the moments are..
No matter how often or rarely it happens..
When it happens, it just does
Whether you're prepared for it or not..
and I'm the type of person that doesn't look at a special moment to have to be a good moment
Bad moments, are also special moments..
All of those moments shows process..learning process, growing process..
And each of those moments, strengthen their personality and reminds you how special they are..
It's a bit hard when you're dealing with course's students..
You meet them on such brief of moment..
You gotta catch the moment right away..
The longer you've been teaching, the more you're experienced to getting to know these kids..
And it's amazing, how most of these kids are so open to you..
Trust you with things, not holding back..
Well, the younger are more trusting then others..
Preteens and teenagers are a bit tricky..
Yet in my (old) age with a preteen home myself, I have tricks of my own..

My college students are different stories..
You also got to deal them right away, with their work..
But as they've reached that certain age, as an adult, they keep their distance..
The first few meetings when you first know them, you'll get the first impression of them..
I try not to put a label right away..
You've gotta earn their trust in the process..
The learning process then is the moment that you'll get to know them the best..
By then, I am forced to put label on them..
At this point, some people see it as playing favorite..
But in fact, it shows you and also pointing out to them how special they are
and with doing that, I know how to deal with each and every one of them..personality per personality!
They are different..and because of that, they have to be treated differently..
There are limitations..there are rules and requirements, there's also a standard achievement..
That's why I'm so into wanting to be involve in the process..
that's where all the hard work happens, make use of their weaknesses and strengthen their strong points..
and you can aim the result from there on..

Everyone's special..
In their own and special way..
It's a pleasure to have known and be a part of these special people..

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