Hard..hard..hard work for me..
After the experience of graduating my eldest from elementary school and Raihan, my second son in 4th grade..
I thought it's gonna be easier..
Nope! Not even close..
It's not about giving them less attention because they're my last kids,
It's about financially, now, with 3 boys in elementary and 1 in junior high school, I just can't afford the luxury of giving them basic courses that I had easily given the older ones
Back then, giving the older boys reading and writing course, English course, Kumon course when they were still in preschool was so taken for granted.
I easily thought, I was just not patient enough to teach them the basics.
So, when Rizqi and Raihan first entered elementary, they were all prepared.
No worries.
But with the twins now,
Without any courses, I've got so many things to do!
OK! the basic of the basic: Reading
I bought that learning how to read in 30 or 40 or 60 something hours books.
And I don't have any ideas, which book is good..
I just run through the books briefly before buying them or checking out the title with the less hours taken to learn..hehehe..
and I also like compare the price..but then because I'm such a graphic person, I look for the ones which are visually good. So long for don't judge the book by its cover..
But then, between the much time taken to pick a book or two, I thought..come on! so what if I didn't buy the best book..It's reading! How difficult can that be?
Yeah..Now, you tell me...It's breathtakingly difficult..
And I don't want to make excuses, but them being twins has taken difficult to a doubled higher level..
Seriously, I'm not blowing this out of proportion..hehehe..
Well, it's not as easily saying because there are 2 of them..
But these two are twins. Who extremely compete with one another. Extremely.
At first, I taught them together at one time. Wrong first move.
Obviously, one is going to be faster than the other.
Then the slower one, would have just gave up and started acting up.
I literally had to use different books for the two them just because they don't want to be compared with one other.
One by one, it is.
That turned out just fine after fighting over who's going first. Not to mention, the one who went second distracting the first one or the other way around, the first one being a smarty pants when it's the second one's turn.
I'm older (by 3 minutes), so I get to go first...Why am I always the last just because I'm younger...
When one of them was in the middle of trying to read something, than the other will give the face..I know! I know!..it's sooo easy..how could you not know this..
I think I was just a bit rusty and went through a bumpy start..Off course..we have to set the rules first!
So, we came up with a fair schedule that includes taking turns, time slot, and no distractions of any kind..
Pffiiuuuhh..One subject covered..
But then, I kept on being behind schedule with the twins..
I knew they had trouble in English, later after they had their school work given back to them..with bad scores..
That was a bit embarrassment for me as an English teacher. Not because they got bad scores but the fact that it pictures how I didn't give them the attention needed.
Not like their older brothers, which I made them going to courses before they even know what they wanted, the twins asked to go to courses..Reading, Kumon, and English..and swimming..and taekwondo..and drums..
So, between trying to keep up with the budget and not to look too stingy in front of the twins :p, I gave them the luxury to go to Kumon course.
At last..everyone's happy!
The twins finally could go to a course..
and I'm the happiest..off the hook!
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