Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Baby Talk

Rizqi, my first born
was the earliest one among my kids..
who could talk.
When he was 1,5..
he already could 'talk'
He could name all the Sesamee Street characters..
He could name all the McDonald's characters..
He could call all of his aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas..
He could say colours..
He could say everyday words..

It's not clear yet..
You just have to know the pattern..
So, he couldn't say 's' at the end of a word..becomes 'k'
Atas becomes atak..
Abis becomes abik..

Or, he couldn't say 'r' at the end of a word..becomes 'ng' or 'k'
Bert becomes Bek..
Hamburglar becomes Aguang

But lots of them doesn't have any pattern at all..
Satpam becomes Acom..
McD becomes Macmac..
ATM becomes Em..
Aqua becomes Adua..

Nice try sugar.. ^_^

My second son, Raihan..
Was the slowest when it comes to talking
He was already 2,5
and he doesn't talk much and clear

One word can mean more than 1
Kepekepek can mean kupu-kupu or kerupuk

The others are sooo up to him..
Susu is enyus..
Ibu is mbu..
Spongebob Squarepants is pompom pepen..
Kasian deh lo is iyaa iyo..
Joget is ogek..
Tehbotol is teotok..

The sweetest thing is..
If people don't understand
..he just smile
Whatever you like honey.. ^_^

The twins, were even more amusing..
They also don't speak clearly until they're 2..
But they understand each other clearly..
They talk to each other..
And one would try to help the other
explaining if someone didn't understand..

Power Rangers is enjes..
Naruto is uto..
Transformers is pompomer..
Wolverine is hoverin

The things that helps was..
They're so expressive..
Keep on trying sweeties.. ^_^

Miss those days..
Nowadays, they all speak very clearly..
Explaining, protesting, complaining, exaggerating,..

a proud mommy..
july 2009
Stop fooling around guys..

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