Sunday, 2 January 2011

The Past..

I have never agreed with the saying,

Don’t look back to the past

Just look to the future ahead you..

Every now and then, I always look back to the past..

The good ones..

Just for the nice feeling you’ll get inside..

The bad ones..

To evaluate..

What could I have done better

What could I have avoided

Not for regreting it..

But to learn from it..

Don’t get to carried away by it..

Don’t get distracted by it..

Just take a good glimpse..

And move forward..

It's a Mom thing..

Maybe I’m just an easy person to pleased..

Maybe I’m just being a mommy..

But simple things..
When it involves my boys..
just gets to me..

That’s for sure..
Sometimes happens..

And I’m feeling this,
Just because I’d been taking my boys report books for 2 days..
and talking to their teacher about them..
Not all good things..not so good things as well..
but for me..
I just love to watch them grow..
even the most little improvement is good..
Can you imagine, how I feel..
If they achieve something great..

How silly is that..
It’s soooo a mommy’s thing..

A piece of the bitterness of life for my kids..

It’s hard being a kid..

Their cruel..
I remember my days back then as a kid..
I’m this overweight, not that smart, not that pretty girl..
Girls talk behind your back..
Boys shout it out at their friends all around you..

But maybe, since a kid I have always been able to block my feeling..
Not ignorant..
because, deep down hurts..
but, from the outside..
It looked as if I didn’t care..

It’s just the way it is..I guess.
Rizqi, my oldest, 11 years old, have always had problems about this..

The difference from me is..
Rizqi is such an emotional person..
He blows up..erupts for exact.. whenever he hits this..
And those kids..will just looove when this happens..and do even worse..
He’ll shout, cries of frustration, and the worst time was when he took down the kid..punched him..

But more than that..
He’s a smart, well manered, well behave kid..
And that even make things worse..

Because I’ve always felt that it’s just the way it is..
I have never tried to change the situation..
And that’s the thought that I’m passing to my kids..
There will always be people like that..
There always have been..and there always will be..
Even when you get’ll be the same..or worse..
You can’t control it..
What you can do is..
Do the right thing!
Ignore them first..
Stand up for yourself..but don’t lower yourself to their level..
Just be cool..

The talk with him ended nicely..
Everyone shared similar stories and how they handled them..
Me, my husband, Raihan my second son, 7 years old..and even my 4 years old twins, Tama and Dika..
So, it made it clearer that he wasn’t the problem..
that everyone had experienced similar stories..

It takes time to change the world..
I’ll just have to prepare my kids to face it..for now

Favourite Things..

I just love to explore what my sons love to do..

What they’re interested in..

My first son, Rizqi, he’s 11, loves to follow instructions and explore..
That’s why, his favourites are

Lego..because he can follow the instruction step by step..
but then, he can take it apart again and make different things..
you can modified it, combine it with other lego..

Browsing the internet..because he can explore whatever he wants to find anything that he wanted to know.

Mathematics..because it involves exploring as well to get the answer.

Raihan, my second son, he’s 7, loves interacting with others

That’s why, his favourites are..
Playing with other kids..tag, hide and seek, and others

he’s got more friends compare to all his brothers’ put in together..

Even the twins, they’re 4, are different one from the other..
Tama, he’s a little bit like Rizqi, serious when doing things..

He’s good in competing..
anything that involves racing..

He’s good in his fine motoric..
he’s fantastic in drawing..

Dika, he’s into performing..
He loves to sing, move his body..
He loves to wear costumes and do roleplays..
his favourite character changes from time to time..
But his favourites are Spiderman (he knows Peter Parker story and

all) and Wolverine (he insist to collect his figurine..and still dreaming of the wolverine arm thingy..)

He’s also into the stories behind it..
He loves to listen to stories..
his favourite now is Peter Pan..
but any stories will do..

It’s always fun to know
all of them are different..
yet all, very interesting..

Though off course they have something in common..

That runs in the blood..

Reading and drawing..

And I’m really into things that my sons are into..
So, having 4 sons with different interest are a bit confusing..yet fun..

How Do You Wake Up 4 Kids for School in the Morning..

1. Turn of the AC..

2. Pull their blankets..
3. Open the curtains and windows.


4. Greet them..Morniiiing Boooysss!!
5. Encourage them..
Are you ready for your school project today!! (which he’s been waiting for a couple of days now..)
Don’t forget to bring your soccer’s soccer day!! (he loves soccer..)
or simpler things for my twins..
Who’s number 1 to wake up!!
Who’s sitting up front in the car today!!

*up until all this effort, usually 1 out of 4, will wake up..*

6. Kiss them..
7. Tickle them..

*1 more will wake up..2 up 2 to go..*

8. Warnings!!
We’re gonna be late!!
We’re gonna be caught in traffic!!

*The third will wake up..last one..*

9. Last attempt..Promises..
After school, who wants to go to the minimarket to buy some candies..
Let’s look out for that new magazine after school.


*Finally..all of them are up…
Next..make them to take their bath, eat breakfast, get into the car,……..and still a long list to go*

Three evenings ago..

It was my day off from work..

So, it’s time for girls evening out!!

Turns out,
wanting to get together with old friends
Needed more effort than I thought it would..

1. I forgot that that day I have to input my students score to the computer at the office..

2. Just right before I was leaving to the office, my principal called and told me that one of my student’s mom wanted to talk to me..

3. So, as soon as I arrived at the office, I called her..and it was a looooong one way talk..

4. Finished being shout at, I still gotta input the scores..

5.Leaving all the commotion at the office, on my way to Senayan City, I missed a turn..

6. And my rareness driving at night, made me missed another turn..

7. *Can’t give anymore excuses..because at this point I just felt damn stupid..* I missed the third turn JUST going to Senayan City..

8. So, just imagine how further away I’d got carried away from Senci..and to made it more gas indicator starts to turn red..GREAT!

9. Finally, there they were, my dear friends..and the moment we spent together was priceless..
*Although it was a relatively short moment..caused by my unfortunate journey to get there.. plus, we hadn’t met for quite some we couldn’t catch up with all our stories..haha*

Still, spending time with best friends just can’t go them!!
*Even though all the others before that went all wrong..hihi*



10. Oops..forgot this last embarassing time..
Because I had to fill up my gas, I went to a different way than my usual..
and..OK..I think you can guess what happened next..
Yes, I got lost again!!!!!!!

Oh, husband had a nice laugh that night listening to my story..

That's Just Me..

Every time I make friends with others..

I’m this type of friend:

1. I’m fun!! Whenever they want to have fun, count me in!!

2. I’ll do everthing that I can, when I think it’s the right thing to do, if they ask for it..

3. I don’t meddle up with anyone business..unless they ask me to..

4. I don’t judge..they’re free to do anything that they like and I won’t mind..but don’t expect me to join if I don’t feel to..

5. They’re my priority after my family, and my work..Most of the time, if it’s possible, I’ll juggle them..

I’ll know right away, who’ll click with me..

And if I know they won’t, I won’t get close..

or someone will get hurt sooner or later..

Problems come when they think they’re close with me..

and expects me to do stuffs that they consider what friends should do to each other..

which most of time is stuffs that I don’t do..

and friends of mine will know right away that I don’t do such things..

those are the ones who will last forever..

Thanks guys!! for sticking up with me all this time..

and my apologies for the ones those I hurt along the way unintentionally or not..


I have never got the popularity material

Since I was a kid until now, at least, I’ve always think myself as someone that hasn’t got it to be popular..
I’ve never enjoyed being on the spotlight, I guess..
For me, being popular means you have to maintain your assets that made you popular..

If you’re popular because your pretty, it means you have to maintain to look pretty all the time..
meaning no bad hair days are allowed, touch ups and powdering your nose every now and then, keeping up with the latest fashion,..

or if you’re popular because you’re smart, it means you have to maintain your scores, always prepared with the best answers whenever the teacher or friends ask about something, loads of courses,..

and if you’re popular in sports, it means you have to maintain your achievements, always be in shape, miss some of the lesson or other time because of sports competitions,..

Those kinda things are just too much for me..
Too much burden..
Too much responsibility..
Or maybe,
I just don’t have the ability to do all that and making excuses about them..
Or..I’m not dilligent enough to do the maintainance

My friends and families, who knows me that well, knows..
Well, by now, you’ll know..
I’m a very laid back..relaxed person..
I just go with the flow, do the right thing, or at least, what I think is right, and try my best with everything that I do..
And let the universe do the rest..
let God decide..

Praying and believing that everything that will turn out is the way that we have to go through..
Good or Bad..

If it’s good, Alhamdulillah..
And be satisfied for all the effort that I’ve gone through
and Whenever things go wrong, which they often do, I won’t be stressed out, panicking and everything..

So, popularity for me..
besides it’s not important..
I’m also not cut for it
Never was, never have been, never am, and never want to..

And I turned out just fine
Perfectly happy with what I have achieved..
No regrets..

*A mom’s thought after her oldest son, a fifth grader, shared his feelings about him against the popular kids..a bringing him up well in progress..*


I don’t know the exact word in English..

I don’t even know if it’s originally Indonesian..
I think it’s adapted from Arabic

Until 3 months ago..
I’d always thought that it meant
Truly acceptance
accepting something truly, without pretencious, without any grudge, without any motives behind it..

Then 3 months ago..
I heard it from someone very respectful..
And it sounded very logical..
Because if it’s not logical, for me,
It will sound fake..
Ikhlas does mean all of the above..accepting something truly, without pretencious, without any grudge, without any motives behind it..
But..the key to be able to do all that is, that you have to believe that it’s in God’s plan that something happens..
And everything happens for a coincidence

That’s why, when you do that, you’re doing it gladly, big heartedly..
because it’s based on your faith and God..
how hard, how difficult the thing is..

It’s as simple as that..
Just be Ikhlas!!
Good Luck!..